Can I write my own python script as a button in the menu bar?

Hello, now I have written several Python script files by myself, please 3-matic allow me to write a script file to make a button to display in the menu bar?

Hi Shen,

Yes, this is possible. In this example, I created a button and icon to one of the demo scripts that comes with 3-matic.

How to do this:

  1. Add the script that is already in your library to the quick access toolbar.
  2. (optional) Create a new tab with the + icon
  3. Go to Options & Help → Click on Customize User Interface
  4. While the window is open, you can drag any tool around and place it where you want. In this case, you can move the Align and from the quick access toolbar (top of the screen) to the custom tab that you just created.
  5. Assign an icon and/or rename as you want by right-clicking on it.

Hope this helps!

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Thank you for this, both the question and answer!

Is there a similar operation in Mimics? I’ve tried modifying the user_menu_v1_0.ini file by adding something like “mimicsclassic.scripting_library.scriptname” but had no luck.