I am trying to get the affine transformation to export masks into nifti format. I can get the data for the masks in an array format, and then I would also need the affine transformation. Therefore, I need the following dicom tags
Image Position (0020, 0032)
Image Orientation (0020, 0037)
Pixel Spacing (0028, 0030)
However, there seems to be some information missing in my files and Image Position (0020, 0032) is missing. I am wondering if there is something I could do to obtain that information? Could I somehow use the “.get_voxel_center(0,0,0)” to get that position? Would that correspond to the same origin?
I’ve tried it out on 1 scan and the “.get_voxel_center([0,0,0])” seems to correspond to the above definition thus this should give you the value for (0020, 0032)