I am trying to get the dicom tags from the file that is currently open in Mimics. However, not all the tags seem to come up. For example, I use the following command:
tags = mimics.get_dicom_tags()
and obtain this:
while the image in Mimics shows this information:
We can see that the tags id number don’t correspond and I am not sure why? That means I cannot get some information about my image.
In addition, if I use these lines to get the value of the tags:
IO = tags[0x0020, 0x0037] #-Here I am getting Image Orientation (Patient)
print("{}: {}".format(IO.description, IO.value))
IO.value is a string. Is there a way to get a float right away? I could convert the string to float but it because more complicated if the value is negative (i.e. -1) and was hoping to just directly the value as a float?
Thank you!